Distance learning sells the knowledge inside a professor's head directly to a global on-line audience.
At a recent cooking demonstration in Philadelphia, he said, he sold 350 books to an audience of 400 people.
Yeah but the point would be to sell this to a younger audience instead of something cheaper device.
Tiger failed to sell the Game.com to an older audience.
Since then, more than two billion Magic cards have been sold, in nine languages, to an audience of millions.
But how do you sell that marvelous claptrap to a modern audience?
The line before it sells the song to a general audience: "Not just urban, she likes her pop."
Fidelity appears to be trying to sell last year's good performance to a broader audience.
Clients from those businesses pay the agency between $20,000 and $50,000 to sell their name to a twentysomething audience.
But today, rap (with 70 percent of its records sold to a white audience) is like the Beatles.