Over 100,000,000 USD were sold to mutual funds and other local institutions before Corfo discovered the theft.
The company shifted its focus to the financial sector and began selling its archiving services to broker-dealers, investment advisors, hedge funds and banks.
A typical Wall Streeter, she routinely put in long hours selling bonds to mutual funds.
Another change would make it easier to renegotiate debt, much of which is in the form of bonds sold to mutual funds, hedge funds, wealthy investors and the like.
Standard & Poor's, the bond rating agency, is pushing hard to be allowed to sell its risk ratings to funds that could then use them in advertisements.
Selling stock to retail clients, investment management firms or mutual funds paid well; repackaging, remortgaging or dismantling a Fortune 500 company paid magnificently.
Most short-term tax-exempt notes are sold to mutual funds or other institutions, the group of investors which have had prior contacts with W. R. Lazard, he noted.
Many of these loans have been packaged into collateralized debt obligations and sold to pension funds, hedge funds, banks and insurance companies.
And in the Hapoalim deal, the 18 percent of total shares that were put on the market somehow ended up being sold largely to funds under the control of the bank itself.
Maurice Levy, chief executive of Publicis, said the shares were sold to mutual and pension funds, but he declined to identify them.