After the marriage, one of the lots was sold in January to a Somerset County jail officer and his wife for $10,000.
She sold the house to her nephew and his wife, who occupied the residence until 2004.
In 1950 the Potters sold it back to Kuhnhausen and his wife.
My brother and sister and I sold the house a few months later to a Taiwanese engineer and his pregnant wife for $289,000.
"Merga" takes Mamo far from the city and sells him to a cruel farmer and his wife.
But I had a hard time selling the idea to my wife.
The angler sold it to another minister's wife, Upon cutting pen, the child was found unharmed and alive.
In 1900 it was sold to William Moore and his wife, who lived there until her death in 1955.
They sold the mansion to Todd Gioeli and his wife, who used it as a single-family rental property for a number of years.
We agreed to buy a house and sell it to him and his wife eventually.