Tajikistan has never sold and will never sell uranium to other important countries.
"If you're a country that sells uranium to countries for nuclear power, there is no argument for not selling it to China."
In his speech yesterday, Mr. Bush said the network even sold raw uranium to be processed into bomb fuel.
Last year, Australia signed a deal to start selling uranium to China, which plans to build at least 40 nuclear plants in the next 15 years.
The federal opposition released the report, causing embarrassment for the Australian government, as that strategy was a key point in the government's attempt to sell uranium.
One example is a Federal program to sell enriched uranium to utilities.
There is no indication that the Russians have tried to sell highly enriched uranium to any other countries.
Australia is debating whether to sell uranium to India.
Would you sell 20% enriched uranium to this man?
Australia later denied that Singh's pull out from the summit was over its refusal to sell uranium.