His own fortune was increased when he sold the Acorn within two hours of anchoring.
All 7,600 tickets were sold within three hours.
My son Greg loaded sweet corn in the back of his pickup some 20 years ago, and sold it all within two hours.
New food safety laws say sandwiches must be kept refrigerated in delivery vans and shops, unless sold within four hours of being made.
All apartments have been sold, with the final 92 being sold within three hours of their release.
His stallion rights were sold within 24 hours and a waiting list was created.
All one hundred and sixty-eight shirts were sold within two hours.
The first edition, written almost entirely by Kalisch, saw 4,000 copies printed, all of which were sold within 24 hours.
His "cage" jackets and dresses, slashed around the middle, sold within 24 hours.
When retail stores opened the next day, $6.5 million worth of Macintoshes were sold within four hours.