Turner also stated that Powell had sold rights to many of the original band's co-owned recordings without their consent.
A third of the place belongs to you by American law, and we can't sell without your consent.
In 1945 the Fabergé family discover that their name is being used to sell perfumes without their consent.
Her posted images at Flickr were copyrighted, but then sold by a third party without her consent.
However, blacks were not permitted to be sold to others without their own consent.
For example, the bottler cannot sell any bottling operations without Coca-Cola's consent.
If a club can sell a player without the player's consent, then why on earth should a player respect his club's wishes?
"They may not be able to sell shares without the landlord's consent."
She had the right to refuse to sell the property, but could not manage that property or sell it without her husband's consent.
Choudhury claims his ownership share in the television station was sold without his consent.