If not, the seller must charge the buyer retail sales tax on the total purchase.
So, for example, if fair market rent for that unit would be $1,000, the seller might charge $1,100 with $200 of that being credited toward the purchase price.
Indeed, for Fairmarket to profit from the system, sellers must eventually charge such fees.
To discourage idle curiosity, sellers routinely charge a refundable deposit, usually $50, on offering plans for their projects.
Another seller might charge you the full $15 for himself, plus the tax.
Some sellers charged as much as $5 to "ship" a gift card to a buyer.
It is unwise to assume that every autoclave manufacturer or seller will charge pretty much the same price for a given configuration.
In the case of a price control, a price support is the minimum legal price a seller may charge, typically placed above equilibrium.
In California, Mr. Linder said, he often advises sellers to charge an "architecture premium" - as a way of pricing developers out of the market.
When you make an out-of-state purchase, verify that the seller charged you sales tax.