Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
"It's critical not to disincentive the selling broker," she said.
The individual investor who sold the contract through the selling broker would never know that he or she did not receive the highest price.
Sometimes a buyer pays for an order, but the selling broker fails to supply the goods.
The Huntington office of Daniel Gale was the selling broker.
The selling broker told him that "there were a number of qualified buyers who were uninhibited by money."
"It's usually split 50-50," Mr. Halstead said, "although sometimes it can be 60-40 in favor of the selling broker."
The selling broker was Sherry Matays, also of Corcoran.
Typically, the commission is split between the listing broker, who is responsible for marketing, and the selling broker, who actually gets the buyer.
"With people in finance, when the selling broker says they have another offer, the person in finance will always say, 'Do you believe that?"'
"So you need to be involved in pricing decisions, because you get 94 cents of the last dollar, and the selling broker only keeps 1 1/2 cents."
A selling broker will often make a 35- to 45-minute presentation, showing floor plans and photos or renderings that depict the kind of views any given apartment will have.
Objectivity: A mutual fund pays 12b-1 fees directly to the selling broker-dealer, to be shared with the selling broker.
The firm, based in West Long Branch, N.J., offers 1 percent to a buyer's broker and 2 percent to the selling broker.
She told the selling broker, Shelly Bleier of Bellmarc Realty, about the unenthusiastic reactions to her home-office situation.
Compensation is conventionally based on a percentage of the sales price, split between the buying and selling brokers, and then between the agent(s) and his/her real estate agency.
Ms. Smull said she had never been informed by the selling broker of the person's death and while her clients were distressed, she believed they had no legal recourse.
But a tempting alternative, maintained Ms. Rydzik, is an offer to make the down payment on a new car for the selling broker or pay for a vacation trip.
In an appellate court decision just a few weeks ago the builder and selling brokers were held accountable since evidence was produced suggesting they knowingly concealed knowledge of the nearby landfill.
Trading in IME is based on open outcry auction using electronic trading platform, an interaction of bids and offers made by the buying and selling brokers.
The sale's programme in all centres is arranged, in the first place, by the National Council of Wool Selling Brokers after consultation with the buyers' organisations.
The defendant, who had acted as selling broker between the plaintiff purchaser and the seller of the raisins, stated that the raisins were "fair average quality of 1869 growth".
"A customer has a right to know what the incentives are when the selling broker recommends a particular fund family," said Stephen M. Cutler, the head of the S.E.C.'s enforcement division.
Since I was the selling broker for Douglas Elliman of the featured town house, at 7 East 69th Street, I agree, but hope that buyers and sellers will not be misled.
With either of these two plans, Mr. Cohen said, YHD guarantees the selling broker a 2.5 percent commission - the same amount the broker would get selling another broker's 5 percent listing.
But insist on 3 percent instead of the customary 6 percent commission if you're going this route, said Mr. Susser, because the selling broker won't have to split the commission with a listing broker.