Both were granted semi-autonomous status, which allowed them certain freedom to come up with their own academic and hiring policies, pay scale, among other things.
The Eldership of Samogitia had a special semi-autonomous status.
For many hundreds of years, Spis held semi-autonomous status within the Hungarian kingdom, and flourished.
Felipe won, and he punished the whole region by withdrawing the semi-autonomous status it had enjoyed since the time of the reconquista.
In these early years, certain kingdoms within Al-Andalus itself attempted to retain semi-autonomous status under Muslim rule, but were soon forced to submit.
These dominions never had semi-autonomous or self-governing status.
Before attaining full statehood, Meghalaya was given semi-autonomous status in 1970.
The territories continued to have semi-autonomous status from 16th to early 20th century under Swedish and Russian rule.
The act allowed the authority to have a semi-autonomous status in the public sector organization under the Ministry of Transport.
In the treaty of Delfzijl on 15 July 1595, Emden received a semi-autonomous status, which it would keep until 1744.