She was in a semi-conscious state, slumping forward on the front seat.
Very little," was the reply; "she has lain in a semi-conscious state since the news came.
"Seeing me, in his semi-conscious state, made this young man think of his brother."
For a few moments he wavered in a semi-conscious state but Suttney's sharp voice soon brought him to again.
In my semi-conscious state I always clung to the faint hope that one night somebody would say it would wait till morning.
The people are in a semi-conscious state, enough to physically function, but not enough that they remember it.
Susan remained missing for three days, eventually being found washed up on shore in a dazed, semi-conscious state.
To their shock, they find their mother in a semi-conscious state.
Moran was climbing from his semi-conscious state and mumbling incoherently.
Those who survived sank into a semi-conscious state that lasted for decades.