Five semi-detached two-bedroom homes costing $119,000 each will be available this summer.
They are characterized by their wide avenues and lots, and for largely being made up of semi-detached homes.
The episode is believed to have contained fitting the couple's semi-detached home with a new kitchen.
High Park North is mainly residential, containing many semi-detached homes built in the early 20th century.
The residential stock varies from working men's cottages built in the 1800s to semi-detached homes to mansions.
They witnessed a significant rise in value in their three-bedroom semi-detached home.
Many were on greenfield sites of semi-detached homes or terraced cottages.
The bodies of the couple, who had been married for 40 years, were found by their son at their semi-detached home just after 8am on Wednesday.
Mr Leighton, who lives alone, set off from his semi-detached home on December 12 at 7.30pm.
Banding would group homes by type - detached, semi-detached, terraced or flat.