Provided they've got a video that includes semi-naked women prancing around in a badly choreographed routine, it's safe to say they've got a hit on their hands.
Allen Jones' "Hat Stand and Table Sculpture" incorporates semi-naked women into furniture, and are regarded as sexual objectification.
In addition to "adult" comic strips, issues contained articles featuring photographs of semi-naked women (imagery echoed on the covers).
Rather, he and his colleagues probably went because being surrounded by fawning, semi-naked, Champagne-flute-wielding women was for them a symbol of success.
Besides, he pointed out, semi-naked women are seen on billboards all over the country selling perfumes, lingerie, beer and tequila.
The scarcity of sports news or semi-naked women showed that the reading material was never selected by men.
This exhibition presents some 90 drawings, mostly of beautiful, semi-naked women.
Later Peter Howarth, UK editor of Esquire famously removed semi-naked women from the covers in a move to once again differentiate the magazine from the competition.
All too often advertising agencies crudely attempt to entice people to buy products with the help of pictures of naked or semi-naked women.
It would be desirable for the advertising sector to exercise more self-regulation and to recognize that it is discriminatory to show naked or semi-naked women in advertisements.