The MHSF produces a semiannual scholarly publication called Mormon Historical Studies.
The E&S Magazine is the semiannual publication of the Louisiana Tech University College of Engineering and Science.
Home & Garden is a semiannual publication, detailing many of the Vineyard's fine homes and gardens.
Abel Boyer, Political State of Great Britain (London: 1724, a semiannual publication).
The semiannual publication, all in English, costs $20 and is being distributed by Rizzoli International.
The Canadian Caver is a semiannual publication that documents the activities of Canadian cavers exploring caves within Canada and overseas.
A semiannual publication of the Clayton Center for Entrepreneurial Law, this journal, carried by law libraries nationwide, is run by students with assistance from the college faculty.
Arba Sicula (Sicilian Dawn) is a semiannual publication of the society of the same name, dedicated to preserving the Sicilian language.
"It can be a pain," said Pat Willard, senior editor of Brooklyn College Magazine, a semiannual publication.
MTTLR published annually for its first eight volumes, but has since moved to semiannual publication.