Jeffrey Beers designed the space, creating a moody theater with undulating strips of wood on the ceiling, semicircular booths along one wall and shiny red chairs.
They were seated in a semicircular booth behind a screen of ornamental shrubs, their voices subdued as they spoke quietly near the windows.
They were sitting in a comfortable semicircular booth, beneath the framed caricatures of show-business personalities, finishing their drinks, and had not talked very much at this point.
The restaurant has two tiers: most patrons are led up a few steps to a carpeted balcony with very private semicircular booths and carved-wood tables and chairs.
The 16-year-old sat with actress Selena Gomez, 18, in one of several semicircular white booths off the main floor.
He pointed out a row of Hollywood-style semicircular booths and added, "Table 1, where Walter Winchell sat, would have been right there."
We sat at one of those semicircular booths at the Four Seasons, overlooking the C&O Canal.
We were led through the large dining room to one of the semicircular booths that run along the front windows, hung with white country curtains.
Prime position here is on the plush banquettes encased by semicircular, gold-leaf booths; attentive table service makes it all the easier to linger here.
The two women nodded to each other coolly, but politely, and then sat down, choosing opposite ends of the semicircular booth.