Women exposed to certain chemicals while working in the nation's semiconductor factories face a significantly higher risk of miscarriage, a broad industry-financed study has found.
Joint activities like this one are becoming necessary because few companies can afford the ever more expensive semiconductor factories.
Stocks fell 4.5 percent on fears that semiconductor factories might have to cut production to conserve water.
Fujitsu, for example, is obtaining a $50 million development grant for its semiconductor factory.
The new generation of semiconductor factories that have begun opening their doors in the last year or so are marvels of modern manufacturing.
The company will also build a semiconductor factory in Indonesia, but financial details were not available.
It will be the first semiconductor factory in the nation, and Spanish officials lobbied hard to get it.
The other is a new thrust toward developing software to automate semiconductor factories.
But when the regional economic crisis tore through Malaysia's palm plantations and semiconductor factories, the two men began to clash over policy.
He also predicted that the United States would remain the leader in supplying the manufacturing equipment for semiconductor factories.