As a result, the report said, Samsung ranks second to Intel in overall semiconductor production.
The manufacture of certain types of flat-panel displays is closely related to semiconductor production.
The world has come to depend on Japanese technology, especially in semiconductor production.
The officials announced a cut in semiconductor production, an action they had indicated last week.
Motion control is widely used in the packaging, printing, textile, semiconductor production, and assembly industries.
With many businesses shut and semiconductor production disrupted, economists were predicting a slowdown in the island's economic performance as well.
Dr. Spencer hopes to do more work on computerized systems for simulating and analyzing semiconductor production.
They said that the ministry would announce further cuts in semiconductor production soon, as one way to reduce the incentives to get around the agreement.
The lack of job opportunities in similar companies in the region will pose a particular problem for workers with specialist experience in semiconductor production.
The company is known for accomplishing the critical aspects of semiconductor production flawlessly - but seldom all at the same time.