Mr. Tolliver, widely known as Mose T, is a legend these days, the only artist still alive from the Corcoran's seminal 1982 exhibition of African-American folk art.
It was founded shortly after the seminal exhibition The Magicians of the Earth at the Pompidou Center in Paris, curated by Jean-Huber Martin.
Kenneth and Mary collaborated on the Environment section of the seminal exhibition This Is Tomorrow.
He curated the " seminal exhibition" When Attitudes Become Form at the ICA in 1969.
Having shown in Milan and Turin, Boetti was invited by Harald Szeemann to participate in the seminal exhibition "Live in your Head.
Famously, Baum cultivated the Art Center as an incubator and primary exhibition space for the Chicago Imagists, curating three of their seminal exhibitions, all entitled Hairy Who?
In the summer of 1935 Barr was traveling through Europe in search of works to include in what would become the seminal 1936 exhibition "Cubism and Abstract Art."
For more than fifteen years while at this location, The Art Guys Museum (its name changed frequently) was a Houston hot spot for unusual and sometimes seminal exhibitions, performances, and events.
Although AM hosted video screenings and book launchings, AM did not undertake an exhibition until 1982, when AM toured the seminal exhibition "Museums by Artists".
Kelly's relief painting Blue Tablet (1962), for example, was included in the seminal 1963 exhibition, Toward a New Abstraction, at the Jewish Museum.