In fact, he thinks most seminal American plays are at heart political: " 'Long Day's Journey' is about money and health care," he said.
Meryl Streep plays the title character in Tony Kushner's translation of Brecht's seminal play about a world at war.
He went on to write many other seminal plays and today is widely regarded as Brazil's greatest playwright.
It's said that Ibsen, early in his career, staged a number of Scribe works whose construction influenced his own seminal plays.
What was once basketball's seminal play might now be its least consequential.
Sam Gold directs John Osborne's seminal play from 1956, set in England . . .
Sam Gold directs John Osborne's seminal play from 1956, set in England in the fifties, in which four working-class people face challenges while living together.
"Godot" transformed Beckett's life and became the seminal play in 20th-century experimental theater.
He returned to the Royal Court in 1986 to star in the original stage production of Jim Cartwright's seminal play Road.
"It was a seminal play for me - lyrical and fantastical and real," he said.