As a high school athlete, he played semipro baseball for US$100 per month in Colón.
He studied engineering in college at night and played considerable semipro baseball.
He played semipro baseball until an arm injury forced his retirement from sports in 1950.
After leaving school, he went to work for Dupont in Tennessee, and started playing semipro baseball.
Taylor's career began in semipro baseball in 1946.
As a youth, he played semipro baseball and football and became an amateur boxing champion.
By 1930, he was working as a tank car loader for Lion Oil, and had also been playing semipro baseball.
This guy, the foster, his name was Earl Morse, he had played semipro baseball or something and never really made it.
Klein worked in a steel mill in his youth, and played semipro baseball on his own time.
Several relatives played semipro baseball, but no one in his family had graduated from high school.