As expected, Democratic senators approved a two-year, $28 billion budget package yesterday, one day after the House of Representatives did so by a wide margin.
In a unanimous vote, the senators also approved the Governor's version of a bill that would jail three-time violent offenders for life.
Eleven more senators approved the bill than voted to override the President's veto of the trade bill on June 9.
For instance, Federal spending could not exceed Federal revenue unless 260 representatives and 60 senators approved specific exceptions.
The $23,200 raise the senators have now approved will give them equality the right way.
No, the senator would not have approved what Jens was about to do.
Republican senators set their sights lower on spending cuts and approved their budget bill weeks ago.
Putting aside partisan recriminations, senators did approve a narrow measure extending unemployment benefits for 13 weeks beyond the current 26-week limit.
The senators on that panel approved the bill, but added another twist; they attached a spending provision to provide extra cash to enforce the new standards.
In 2012, senators unanimously approved the "Gender Identity law".