In addition, some senators argue that the legislation will significantly increase the costs of running Congress.
Or so the senator argued on Tuesday when he went before a hearing board to ask for worker's compensation.
Senators argue that the death penalty has a constituency, too.
The senator argues that he loves Alaska and is entitled to show his faith in the state.
The senator argues that releasing it would violate his privacy.
The senator argues that this feature would protect the viability of state party organizations.
However, many Senators argued that he only had the right to assume the powers of the presidency long enough to call for a new election.
During the debate, no Senator argued that the outcome of the election should be changed by either court challenge or revote.
Instead I raised my blood pressure fifteen points watching three representatives and two senators argue that there was really no need for campaign finance reform.
Although the former Senator now argues otherwise, most people believe he slunk out of his last political race in disgrace.