In explaining the change, he said senators found it difficult to oppose an amendment helping the poor.
Finally, senators carefully armed with both umbrella and sunglasses can find themselves sitting pretty when the weather itself begins to change.
The senator couldn't have possibly found this in some little French wine shop like he said.
But most senators find no public clamor for, or against, the bill.
The senator found it hard to hide the rancour his own son provoked in him.
She could understand how the old senators had found the lure of renewed youth to be irresistible.
But even if the senators find agreement, there is only a remote chance that differences could be resolved between their compromise and the House bill.
If his thinking has evolved, some senators are finding the evolution hard to track.
The senator had found a 100-year-old grandfather clock that he loved, but it cost more than $4,000.
Whether senators will find the moral clarity to see it that way is another matter.