The plans show deficits in the 2004 fiscal year slightly lower than the one the president proposed in the budget he sent Congress last month.
"Today the American people have spoken," Mr. Clinton said, recognizing the power of the mixed message that voters seemed to be sending him and Congress.
But the charts and tables that give the actual spending figures show only fractional changes in the budget Ronald Reagan had already sent Congress for 1990.
The bill the government expects to send Congress would strengthen and clarify the role of corporate boards.
But it besmirched its record when it sent Congress implementing legislation that contradicted the Marrakesh accord in dozens of places.
He sent Congress his "Fair Deal".
In the budget outline it sent Congress last month, the White House estimated that the 10-year cost of the phased-in repeal would be $266.6 billion.
But doctors oppose fee limits' being an element of the plan that President Clinton is to send Congress by May 1.
Proposals for expanding coverage will be made as part of the President's national health-care plan, which he has promised to send Congress by May 1.
President Bush sent Congress a letter late today that he said clarified his position on limiting abortion counseling in federally financed clinics.