He is then sent a third dream revealing the different form and character of the temples.
"Sleep soundly, friend, and may the god send you a dream."
Also it is foolishness to say that one man can send a dream to another.
"Would it help if I sent you a wish-fulfillment dream?"
"Then I will send you a dream of deep sleep."
In the beginning of my everlasting reign they sent me a dream.
I mean, any god can send a dream if he wants to, but the regular kind that seem like nobody sent 'em are his.
"I just don't believe that some computer or whatever that's many light-years from here could possibly send a dream into our minds."
Therefore, the adults knew that the Oversoul would never have sent such a dream to him, because it had nothing to do with his life.
You have to send a dream back to him.