The checks were sent to people around the country as part of an Internet scam.
He was sent to the Giants in 1997 as part of a 10-player mega-deal.
They had been sent to the group as part of a fur "amnesty" sponsored by them.
He was also sent to central China in 1941 as part of the party's efforts to boost troop morale.
Limited help is available at present though field hospitals have been sent as part of the international assistance effort.
Some people were sent to this and other hardship regions after university as part of a Government distribution system.
He was sent to Germany as part of a military delegation in 1937.
In addition to a thank you letter, a gift may be sent as part of thanking someone.
A further 1,349 were sent later as part of Commonwealth forces.
He is sent to Nogova as part of special operation.