Messages could be sent at much greater speed than post riders and could serve entire regions.
Burgoyne made one final lunge at a ball that was almost out of reach, caught it, and sent it back at high speed against the wall.
If the man had any sense, he'd realize that if Detritus fired the thing it'd kill them all, besides sending the coach backwards at high speed.
He hoped to be on hand to get pictures of it, and so sent his airship ahead at top speed.
He headed the car back and pushed madly on the foot accelerator, sending the powerful roadster down the road at top speed.
As soon as they were sick, they sent at speed for the doctor.
He yelled a warning, and sent his camera shooting forward at full speed.
When the same thing is attempted deliberately, however, one turn is usually enough to send the model shooting off at great speed in some totally unexpected direction!
This network sends variable length data packets reliably at high speed.
The bronze man sent the motor at high speed across town.