Omega has been a part of the program since 1999, when it began sending blank ballots overseas.
They often ride in vans to the polling place or send write-in ballots.
More than 80 percent of the residents live elsewhere but are sent ballots for Mountain Village elections.
In New Jersey, the company sent ballots to 30,000 lawyers.
The magazine sent ballots to all 535 Capitol Hill offices, asking staff members to vote in various categories.
Those who are unable to attend send postal ballots.
Missouri is telling soldiers to send nonsecret ballots by e-mail through a Pentagon contractor with a troubling past.
The law now requires states to send ballots to overseas citizens 45 days before the general election, except under emergency circumstances.
The new leader will be elected by the party's rank-and-file members, who were sent ballots this week and must make their selections by mid-September.
Poor planning, legal challenges or technical problems often lead local election officials to send ballots abroad too late.