An official at Textron also said it would like to send executives through the course.
Even a decade ago, these specialists say, many companies chose to send only senior executives abroad, often with their families, but that is gradually changing.
It has sent executives to board with American families, watching what they eat and where they shop.
Both companies are sending high-level executives to the opening.
"Are we passing laws," he asked, "that will send executives to jail if they guessed wrong on how many customers won't pay their bills?"
The other networks declined to send executives to the show last year and refused to buy tables at the event.
Sending chief executives to jail may indeed send a powerful message, albeit one that is decidedly short term.
The companies sending executives will pay for them.
In the meantime, both companies are sending executives to the talks Friday to try to reach an out-of-court settlement.
This sent Joseph and other senior executives into a near-panic.