Give Babyplays a call and another is sent free.
The first issue was sent free to 3,000 people.
It is sent free to 350,000 secretaries on the theory that they are the ones who make the decisions about how to ship something express.
He said 200 copies were sent free to the White House press corps.
Although it will be sent free to 250,000 customers, the new book is expected to attract 150,000 buyers on newsstands.
He said drawings or one-page letters could be sent free from any of the company's 400 phone stores across the country.
Some 200 people downloaded the entire study; 100 more made computer requests for the report, which is sent free.
A updated disk will be sent free to owners after the election returns are processed.
It has a quarterly magazine called Powerline sent free to members and available at the museum.
For the last six weeks it was sent free.