The Speaker, Hussein al-Husseini, resigned Monday and accused the pro-Iranian Party of God, his rival at the polls in eastern Lebanon, of sending gunmen into voting stations.
On June 21, 1991, an enraged Persico sent gunmen under Sessa's leadership to murder Orena at his house.
A leading campaigner, Elie Teixeira Leite Franca, said local politicians interested in property development had sent professional gunmen to threaten her.
Before dawn on Tuesday, they said, Mr. Pol Pot sent gunmen to kill his longtime comrade, the former Khmer Rouge Defense Minister Son Sen, and 10 of Mr. Son Sen's relatives.
In an attempt to put down the Milenio organization, Rosales Mendoza contacted the Gulf Cartel and asked them to send several gunmen of Los Zetas to help in the fight.
Now, too, they wouldn't just send mercenary gunmen, they'd send sor- cerers and demons.
They are accused of sending gunmen abroad to kill troublesome exiles.
Moreover, the cartel infighting can open doors for Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán of the Sinaloa Cartel to send gunmen to Tamaulipas.
Back at Palmer's apartment, Kiden's father appeared once again to warn her that X-23's pimp, Zebra Daddy, wants her back, and he has already sent gunmen to Palmer's place to retrieve her and kill the rest of them.
Or to send gunmen round to Olga's rooms.