That news sent jitters through the financial markets and pushed interest rates higher.
As the latest downgrade sent jitters through county government circles, county officials took aim at government waste in the form of county cars.
That sent jitters down investors' spines, sparking a tech-stock sell-off that has gone on more or less unabated for five months now.
But the blast sent jitters through a neighborhood with lingering memories of the World Trade Center bombing in February 1993.
The market did tumble in 1989 after the crackdown on democracy demonstrators in Tiananmen Square of Beijing sent jitters across the border.
The speculation sent jitters through the traders in Iran, fearful of building up inventories lest the currency's new optimism cut into profits, the Iranian banker said.
Some on Wall Street fear, however, that the move could send new jitters through that market because of Drexel's pre-eminent position in it.
The report sent jitters through the technology industry amid growing concerns that a broad recovery is not materializing as quickly as many executives had predicted.
The I.M.F. sent jitters through the Brazilian Government earlier this month when it postponed a decision on the loan.
Wednesday's latest batch of data revealed inflationary pressures in prices at the consumer level, sending jitters down Wall Street's spine.