So did a plan to send millions of dollars to programs for needy families.
The foundation also sent millions of dollars around the globe to help children threatened by war, poverty, and disease.
There, war has killed at least 200,000 people in the last three years and sent millions like her fleeing their homes.
Already, the candidates say they have sent millions of letters.
"We now know Coldwater is not short of a few bucks, not if he's sending millions outside the country."
If they are not, the Supreme Court could force the state to send millions of additional dollars to the urban districts this year.
These images of war are even more horrific than those that sent millions of Europeans into the street 25 years ago.
But it has no problem sending millions of dollars to Louis Farrakhan.
A pause for breath may send millions of viewers to the remote control.
Why should I pay to send millions of gallons of water around the globe?