One question is whether officials in other state agencies sent similar notifications.
"It will send notification back to the broker if a client visits the site looking for information."
It is a text service that sends notifications to students regarding campus events.
If the drive appears likely to fail soon, the system sends notification to the disk controller.
And according to the manuals, schools must send notification by June 11 to students whose portfolios are not strong enough to win an appeal.
Since then, they have created an emergency e-mail system that would send notifications to all superintendents in a crisis.
Send notification on next new change - a similar effect to unsubscribing and then resubscribing.
The Government shall also send notification concerning the balance to the account holders on a regular basis.
To entice the wary, he says, you can send them notification in the mail that they won the lottery or something.
The service then sends notifications when nearby events featuring these favorite performers are scheduled to occur.