Such a bare outline of a depressive story could well send readers slinking away.
Outbreaks of illness send readers rushing to find information about symptoms and prevention.
In airline deregulation, for example, his initial columns sent readers away with the conclusion that deregulation was a good idea.
Its almost total lack of humor, imagination or literary sensibility will send readers back with renewed relish to his subject's novels.
Hypertext consists of traditional text and hyperlinks that send readers to other texts.
Two public television series and a special are intended to send young readers to the stacks.
That report sent potential readers searching for the Web site of the magazine.
But "The Narrows" is so enveloping that it may send readers back to the early lives of these characters.
Two books by Californians come without recipes but with exuberant descriptions of meals; they may send readers into the kitchen anyway.
It is flawed, however, by a poorly executed index that sometimes will send readers scurrying to the wrong page.