A beach village was reported to have been "wiped out", killing at least 14 people after the earthquake had sent residents fleeing for higher ground.
So it may not take much to send residents in search of a different political arrangement.
The temperature dropped precipitously and sent weather-conscious residents to their record books looking for precedents.
Shrinking welfare rolls and the expanding economy have sent dozens more residents into the work force.
Connecticut is not alone in its concern that taxes may send residents flocking to neighboring states.
Finally, to end the need of sending mentally ill residents to California, the governor called for building a territorial insane asylum.
The explosions sent residents scurrying to cellars, and a fire broke out in the area near the airport.
Heavy fighting on Thursday sent residents fleeing, and banks and most shops remain closed.
In the spring of 2005, a fire at the Hotel Chelsea sent residents fleeing to the lobby.
Down below the front windows of the Rovers blew out into the street, sending shocked residents running.