On 3 January, the Soviet command sent four more divisions to meet the threat.
Pentagon officials have said they hoped that Egypt would send two divisions including tanks.
Good God, he had sent two divisions of infantry and all his cavalry and still they had let the enemy slip away!
Vietnam sent 13 divisions into the country on 25 December 1978, with an estimated 150,000 soldiers supported by heavy artillery and air power.
We can send five divisions against Bundeswehr Four immediately and surround them.
At the end of May he agreed to send two divisions to keep Joffre happy.
By the late 1980s, the plan had evolved to send three divisions over in the first week of a conflict, and one division per week thereafter.
But the final decision to send more divisions has not been made.
Italy also sent several more divisions to Libya.
Mussolini sent seven new divisions to Russia for a total of ten divisions.