A short fall but one which sent spears of agony through his chest; which caused bright flashes to fill his vision.
He tried to push himself up, whimpered as the strain sent spears of pain radiating out from his testicles, and sank back against the stairs.
Some of the missiles did cook off, sending white-hot spears of fire into nearby buildings and vehicles.
Knowing she had to get it over with, she stepped outside and moaned quietly as the sunlight sent hot little spears into her eyes.
The look, the gesture, sent spears of heat to the tender harbour between her legs.
As with Octavian, there was a difference between smashing target shields to pieces and sending spears into living men.
The shrunken sun sent spears of light into the mist.
Every movement of Klemmer's savaged mouth sent spears of pain lancing across his face.
"You will have to stop sending spears south," Rand said at last.
I screamed into the green plastic as I gripped it hard and sent spears of pain up my right arm and felt my face contort.