He also said he had discontinued the practice of sending surrogates to lunches and allowing them to sign his name on checks.
Mr. Ruggie isn't offended that the leaders of 37 nations didn't make it; they sent surrogates.
Both campaigns also sent surrogates.
Even Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani was stretched so thin that he had to send surrogates to some places.
That was notable: in recent years, elected officials took to sending surrogates to listen to the speakers at public hearings and to cast votes according to their masters' wishes.
Mr. Dinkins, Ms. Holtzman and some of the other members, who almost always send surrogates to sit in their place, made rare personal appearances.
That is, sending high-profile surrogates into the press room to feed reporters and tell them that their candidate was, well, nothing short of Lincolnesque.
Usually they send surrogates to the meetings.
If you send surrogates or bring others, I will destroy your ship.
While both candidates made several appearances in New York, they more frequently sent surrogates to the state.