But China sends shivers through other markets.
The news sent a tremor through financial markets around the world.
A Japanese chemical company yesterday announced large losses from speculation in the Japanese bond market, news that sent a tremor through financial markets around the world.
Dubai's debt crisis sent shivers through global markets, triggering fears of a worrying new phase in the credit crisis.
Simmering troubles in the eurozone erupted in June as Greek citizens reacted to harsh austerity measures, sending shockwaves through markets.
The devaluation in Russia, which economically is less important than Brazil, has sent a shock wave through emerging markets.
In late 1996, Mr. Greenspan sent shudders through markets around the world when he raised the question of whether rising asset prices reflected "irrational exuberance" among investors.
His pronouncements can send shudders through markets around the globe.
The announcement sent shivers through European markets and pushed Nokia's own share price down 13 percent.
The news sent shivers through financial markets which marked down the lira to five-month lows around 960 to the mark while bonds also lost ground.