That is, a publication that sends its articles to leaders in the sciences for review before they are published.
( It is an online email campaign system to send letters about the situation to various leaders in several countries was started in August 2011.
He reportedly used a silver seal on letters sent to other notable leaders who were requested to convert to Islam.
President Obama sent a letter to Congressional leaders asking if he could come over and speak to a joint session of Congress.
"The sentence certainly sends a message to leaders of charities that they will be held accountable," he said.
Black Hawk sent messages to leaders either once under him or allied with him to come in and negotiate with the government.
That, at any rate, is what 35 law professors argued in a Jan. 23 letter sent to Congressional leaders.
Committees and task forces develop policies that the entire body votes on before sending their resolutions to elected leaders in Washington.
What message does that send to African leaders and people?
The recommendation was contained in letters sent to Governor Kean and legislative leaders.