We were rapidly regrouped, called out, and sent to precise locations.
Information on the hurricane was also sent to other locations throughout the Caribbean.
The company could move about 1,200 employees to the brick factory building and send 500 more to other locations in New York.
From there the homeless will be sent to other locations for help, some having housing.
"They are sending people to cheaper locations to compensate for some of the rents in central London."
They were sent from the Mandapam transit camp to different locations.
Through Teleradiology, images can be sent to another part of the hospital, or to other locations around the world.
Worried by the criticism, in the late 1980's the Government began to emphasize sending fewer families to better locations.
It surveyed more than 600 global companies, 95 per cent of which sent employees to high-risk locations.
Japanese companies and organizations often send their male employees to various locations throughout Japan.