Send your answers with your name, address, telephone number and preferred book choice to:.
Just send a postcard with your name and address and subscription number to:.
Send a postcard with your name and address for information on this and other historic plants.
I've heard nothing from you, except that which your wife has sent with your name on it.
Only 50 were made and given to the first of those 50 who sent in a postcard with their name, address and favorite Transformer.
Maybe Lamont had learned a lesson about sending flowers with his own name attached, but the business of the car was too thin.
The call for action containing the names of 89 supporters was sent to major newspapers, with Stone's name at the top.
She had sent the message with her private name, her secret name, Liviana.
He was sent a helmet with a bullet hole in it and someone else's name written on it.
At any rate, he's following our agreement and sending the signal with just my name decoded.