In one year he has become a fumbling, repetitious, senile old man, unhappy almost to the point of tears.
What we have here is a senile man, desperate to be right; his story is all that holds the world together, he just knows.
He said that to him, the nagual Julian appeared as an almost senile old man.
This senile old man, who doesn't have the grace to die and leave you to the spoils, isn't finished.
Now I can see him as he is, as a senile old man.
Stupid, senile old men who depended on them.
You are becoming a senile old man who wants young flesh.
Pitt's voice came through his ears like the halting speech of a senile man.
The woman was staring at the apparently senile old man.
His manager is a middle-aged, slightly senile man named Brian who talks to office supplies.