Not to sound cynical, but the senior artist in effect passed along the secret of being an eternally popular avant-gardist: make it simple.
As senior artists, they were entrusted with providing the initial compositions and painting the faces of the main figures.
They usually are considered a separate department, also with a key designer and senior artist.
"The last biennial focused on so many younger people, but some midcareer and senior artists we discovered are making the best work of their careers."
These would have been done by less senior artists in the workshop, or even sub-contacted out.
Mike Hutchinson was the senior artist for King's Quest 6.
He studied old photographs, literature and museum pieces and sought the advice of senior artists.
Malcolm Bilson is the senior artist and no stranger to musical mountaineering.
There are also residents: senior artists and researchers.
Mr. Burke, who has been making box art for quite some time, is the senior artist among the bunch.