The co-pilot was Adel Anwar, 36; Mr. Batouti, 59, was a more senior aviator.
As the senior female aviator aboard, she was de facto the women's CO, though she and all of the women in turn answered to him, as commander of the wing.
Blessman, who, as the ship's senior aviator had no air defense station and was in the wardroom at the time, was killed instantly by the concussion.
No senior aviator should look like that.
In 1961, Towers was posthumously designated the second recipient of the Gray Eagle Award, as the most senior active naval aviator from 1928 until his retirement.
He held the Gray Eagle Award as the senior active-duty aviator in the Navy from July 31, 1967 until his retirement on February 1, 1968.
For a time the title "Bull Naval Aviator" was a leading contender for the choice of names for the senior aviator's title.
Indeed, rumors have circulated for several days that a purge of the Navy's senior aviators was imminent.
"The Navy leadership is going out of its way to be supportive," said one senior female aviator, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
Strangely, though the most senior aviator aboard, he was new to the Hornet, having spent all of his career in the F-I4 Tomcat.