No one addresses Irina Kolpakova, the senior ballerina, as "ty."
Unfortunately, Natalya Bessmertnova, the senior ballerina on the company's current tour, has become the season's main casualty.
Eleven are from the former company, with Deborah Dawn the senior ballerina, the best-known.
These days, they are among the company's senior ballerinas, with the 26-year-old Miss Kistler the youngest of the group.
The Bolshoi Ballet's senior ballerina, who received a standing ovation, was taking an obvious risk.
Had Natalya Bessmertnova, the senior ballerina on this tour, not injured herself, we might still have seen a great Giselle of more recent times.
On the other hand, the senior ballerinas do not seem challenged from the ranks.
Philip Neal was the fine cavalier on both nights in the divertissement and partnered two senior ballerinas, both stiff in the torso.
Miss Alexopoulos, one of the company's senior ballerinas, is adept at the creation of a subtle mood or ambiance on stage.
Elena Glurjidze is a senior principal ballerina at the English National Ballet.