Describing the problems that some older people have in paying for their medications, he added: "Those seniors are choosing between skipping pills and skipping meals.
Sophomores, juniors and seniors can choose to reside on either West or Central campuses, although the majority of undergraduate seniors choose to live off campus.
The Bush prescription plan: seniors choose.
Juniors and seniors may choose between entering the campus housing lottery or moving into nearby apartments or row houses.
In 2004, Southridge began an elective system that allows high school juniors and seniors to choose two subjects of their interest.
Juniors and seniors can choose from over 35 elective courses such as Oceanography, Comparative Government, or Film Studies.
Very few seniors have chosen this option in the past.
This year's seniors chose to give money to a program at the high school here that is intended to help ninth-graders at risk of dropping out.
High school juniors and seniors can choose to attend in either the fall or spring semester with visual arts and academic focus.
While the Emmaus retreat is not mandatory, most seniors choose to make the retreat.