Each was a senior court of common law, with civil and criminal jurisdiction, and a specific jurisdiction to restrain unlawful actions by public authorities.
The graduating class of 2006, which was El Diamante's first, combined efforts to construct an area on campus dedicated to seniors, known as the senior court.
The open light court or "senior court" is bound on all sides by interior walls of the school, but is not constrained by a ceiling.
In 1929, the first class to graduate from the building presented the school with a statue of Abraham Lincoln that still stands outside of senior court.
The Upper Tribunal will be a senior court of record.
The Upper Tribunal is a senior court of record.
Canterbury was the senior court and for a time during the Commonwealth period - between 1655 and 1660 - all wills were proved there.
In rare cases, the Board of Grievances, the most senior non-Sharia court, has ruled on custody disputes.
Hathaway's scholarly work focuses on international human rights and refugees and is regularly cited by the most senior courts of the common law world.
The Court is composed of 4 members from both senior courts and occasionally, to break a tie, the justice minister who, if present, presides.