And Diana will NOT, senior courtiers believe, be content with a mere separation from Charles.
After 922 he enters the records of the court of Václav of the Czechs as an adviser to the senior financial courtier.
Suddenly the senior courtiers who had sniffily averted their eyes when the Princess approached were forced to treat her with more respect.
To atone for the sin, he sent a senior courtier to Ayodhya for a statue of Lord Raghunath - Lord Rama.
A senior courtier said last night: 'The Queen has been deeply saddened by the events which have affected her immediate family in recent years.
It also includes some senior courtiers and advisers to the royal family, including the royal press spokesmen and spokeswomen, the spokeswoman said.
Palace officials say staff salaries range from about $9,000 a year for maids to more than $75,000 for senior courtiers, with most staff employees earning just below $23,000.
But he was also aware of senior courtiers' opposition to the match.
One senior courtier said later: 'There is no doubt that this is an issue which concerns the Prince of Wales but it is beginning to look a little cynical.
The ground floor contained mostly bureaucratic and domestic offices, while the second floor was given over to apartments for senior courtiers and high-ranking officials.