She is a senior disciple of D. K. Pattammal.
He is considered the first of the Four Assessors, the most senior disciple of Confucius.
Kumaradza was a senior disciple of Melong Dorje (1243-1303).
She is a senior disciple of Pandit Birju Maharaj.
He is now his senior disciple.
He was succeeded by a senior disciple, Kosho Uchiyama.
Rinchen Chok was also a senior disciple of Vimalamitra.
He anointed twelve of his senior disciples to lead missions throughout the land.
He handed not only the abbotship, but also gave dharma transmission to his most senior disciple, Hsin Ping.
Since ancient times this office has been held by realized monks or by senior disciples who have roused the enlightened.